Sunday, October 1, 2017

Solar Eclipse and Rainbow Digital Artwork

I just created this "Solar Eclipse and Rainbow"digital artwork. I used a photo of the color pencil self-portrait and put it into PhotoEditor (free online software and very much like PhotoShop). I also put in a real photo of the 2017 solar eclipse, which I took a picture of it with my iPhoto during the moment that the eclipse happened. I also took a picture of the rainbow that appeared in front of me with my iPhone and put that in as well. I then combined them within the best composition I can arrange in the space, then manipulated them, using the tools available in PhotoEditor. I made my face transparent, blending it into the sky where the solar eclipse exists. I also blended the rainbow. I was trying to make them become one piece as possible. I then realized that there was nothing below all three of them at the bottom of the picture. So I went back to the original photo of the rainbow and cut out the hills, pasted it in, and then completely made it become black. That solved the problem. I then tested the Filter affects that were available in PhotoEditor. When I clicked on Kaleidoscope under Filter while working on the rainbow, it suddenly became wild, turning the rainbow into an actual kaleidoscope special affect. It was an accident, but it turned out really cool. I decided to keep that, just only enlarged it, and moved it to make it work for composition. Then it was done. 

You can click on this to see it larger.

It is my message to say rainbow is related to LGBTQ pride, which is in me. If you look at my face closely, there is a rainbow paint on my face, but hard to see due to the kaleidoscope affect of the real rainbow. Yet, the rainbow, itself, is the true representation of my pride. Also, when you look at the ear on my face, it has a hearing aid on it. That tells me I am deaf. This shows my pride to be deaf as well. Adding the solar eclipse just adds the power of spirituality in myself. So is seeing my transparent face floating in the sky.

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