Sunday, January 29, 2012

Videos of def Meets Deaf Poetry Jam 4

The videos are finally uploaded, ready to be seen by you and many others world-wide. Deaf/hard of hearing and hearing poets/performers presented their work at Lovin' Cup on January 21st. These videos were made during Def Meets Deaf Poetry Jam 4 in which I, Eddie Swayze, and John Roche, a Liberal Arts professor at RIT, coordinated together. The interpreters for the deaf/hard of hearing and hearing audience were great, led by Miriam Lerner.

To see the videos of performers, click on this address:

I thank Paulette Swartzfager for creating those great videos and taking her time to upload them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Flyer of Def Meets Deaf Poetry Jam 4

I just created a flyer for Def Meets Deaf Poetry Jam 4. The deaf/hard of hearing and hearing performers will take turns on stage at Lovin' Cup, sharing the beauty of ASL and English poetry/storytelling/performances. It will start at 3 PM on January 21st, free to the public.

The deaf performers will be Susan Smith, Vicki Nordquist, Eddie Swayze, Matt Schwartz, and "Dangerous Signs" (NTID students) with RIT Drum Club. Hearing performers will be Wanda Schubmehl, Catherine Faurot, Danielle Smith, Paulette Swartzfager, John Roche, Vincent F.A. Golphin, Lori Nolasco, and Chan McKenzie.

John Roche, RIT professor, and I are in charge of this 4th year poetry event that presents two different languages: ASL and English, which are shared on stage, a rare opportunity for the public to see. This event fosters respect and honor toward ASL poetry/storytelling/performance of any kind and English poetry/storytelling/performance of any kind as two cultures (deaf and hearing worlds) exchanging their experiences and interacting one and another in poetic and artistic forms.